MUSE - Music Near Me

Membership Application

MUSE - Music Near Me is a high performance mastermind and community of smart venue owners who are building Music Marketing skills that get attract you're ideal audiences, effortlessly. Limited spots. Click the button below to see if you qualify.

I will not try to sell you on applying for MUSE - Music Near Me...

Instead, I'll simply tell you who it is for... and who it's NOT for.
I help Music Venues and Shops attract ideal audiences, without major expenses, even if they are struggling with attendance.
In other words, we help venue owners with improving digital presence, establishing strong performance metrics, and automating processes to attract and retain loyal followers and customers.
We do this through our MUSE process. If that's you, then MUSE - Music Near Me is the solution you've been looking for.

"This program resolves the pain points in the industry" - Marcus McCreary

Is This You?

MUSE - Music Near Me is specifically designed to attract you're ideal audiences, effortlessly It's not right for everyone...
If you think you might be a good fit, this is the fastest way to go from low audiences to reaching tens of thousands of people.

Music Venue Owners

Musicians & Bands


This Program IS For:

  • Those hosting music entertainment at a live venue.

  • Professional musicians or bands wanting to reach a much larger audience or following.

  • Marketing professionals ideally in the entertainment and music business.

This Program is NOT For:

  • Those who do not require marketing services or the need to attract larger audiences

  • Are not open to exploring new opportunities and skills in marketing approaches.

  • Are not willing to invest time, effort, or resources into attracting and retaining customers and followers.

This Program IS For:

  • Characteristic of ideal customer

  • Characteristic of ideal customer

  • Characteristic of ideal customer

This Program is NOT For:

  • Characteristic of poor fit client

  • Characteristic of poor fit client

  • Characteristic of poor fit client

If You're Accepted, Here's An Overview Of The Nine Projects We'll Implement Together To Help You attract you're ideal audiences, effortlessly...

Booking Organization

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Digital Profile Optimization

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Vital Tech Tools

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Performance Metrics

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Ideal Prospects

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Follower Perception

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Scaling Up Your Audience

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Promotional Strategies

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Automating Your Processes

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If You're Accepted, Here's An Overview Of The Nine Projects We'll Implement Together To Help You [Get Amazing Result]...


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Personal Building

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Career Coaching

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Business Coaching

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Creative Development

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You're Got Questions,

We've Got Answers...


Josef is an systems engineer from a fortune 100 company, a guitarist of 21 years, and an entrepreneur- business owner of Music Near Me. Josef has studied music marketing and application development for 7 years, grown media pages to over 50,000 followers, and reached over 600,000 people in ads with remarkably low costs. As a musician, he has studied under the guitarist of Johnny and Edgar Winter - Floyd Radford, and understands the challenges of organizing gigs, attracting crowds, and effective marketing solutions.


Here’s what you get when you join the program today…

Each session is live and interactive with coaches that will guide you through the process of music marketing enhancement, helping you to attract and retain followers and customers.

The coaches really care about you. We want you to succeed and be happy. If you fail then we fail and we will do everything in our power to make sure that doesn’t happen and you get the most from the course.

Most other courses aren’t designed specifically for you. We have taken feedback from hundreds and hundreds of people and designed this course so that it fits around the best learning practices as well as around your lifestyle, no matter how busy you are.

Not only will you have personal access to our awesome team of coaches, you will be part of a close-knit community of like-minded people all going through the journey together.


What’s The Cost?
The cost to you is the major audience you’re missing out on because you don’t yet have our proven system in place to get you from confusing unorganized marketing to a well oiled audience attracting machine .So…

What’s The Price?
The price isn’t the money you’ll spend if you’re accepted into the program… We both know that your results are where they’ve always been — at the end of a shovel and a bit of hard work! So the price is the work it’ll take for you to implement everything we teach and coach, and to actively show up for yourself to get a loyal, major following.

What’s The Value?
The value of the program is in knowing that you have a proven, step-by-step framework to implement that is guaranteed to get you to where you want to go… and the expert hand-holding and supportive community you need to get there.

What’s Your Investment?

We don’t list the investment on the site to deter “tyre-kickers” and time-wasters. What I can tell you is this is (reasonably) expensive. Plus, you’ll be required to implement what you learn …fast …and share your results. (To be read “you’ve got to do the work”.)

What else?
As you implement, you’ll be asked to share what’s working for you with the rest of the group (just as fellow members will be required to share their experiences with YOU).​

What You Should Really Be Asking Is “Am I An Action Taker?” and “What’s My Return-On-Investment?”
If you trust yourself to take action…
If you’re the kind of person who can commit to the process and you know you’ll show up for yourself and your fellow members…
And you know that you’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that you get out of this experience more than you put in, then your return-on-investment is guaranteed, and the only person who can sabotage that or get in the way is YOU.

If you back yourself, we’ll back you all the way.


First, you’ll need to book a call with a course advisor for a no obligation, free 15 minute private discussion about your goals and suitability for the program.

On that call we’ll ask you a range of specific questions about where you’re at now, and where you want to be.

Why? – I’m just really trying to weed out the “tire kickers” here, and make sure that we maintain the integrity of the group — AND — that we only take on clients we are 100% certain we can help. Your application will come to my office and one of two things will happen.

One, I’ll decide we’re not a good match and I’ll let you know politely.

Or two, I’ll decide we MIGHT be a good match and someone from my office will schedule a second call to see if we really are. Nobody will pressure you, hassle you, or try to “hard sell” you at any point.

If you want in, great — You can ask us at the end of the call if we’re happy to take you on as a client. If not, no problem.

You’re welcome to join the waitlist again if you change your mind.

I’m only looking to work with high-caliber people.I’ll review applications on a first come, first-served basis.​


Yes, it is. There is zero risk with us as you can test out the program for a full 30 days. If you don’t absolutely love it, you’re free to leave – No questions asked.


No problem. If you have the questions, we most certainly have the answers.Simply book a free, 15 minute call with a course advisor by clicking the “Book A Call” link at the top of this page, and we’ll happily answer any and every question you might have before you know, for sure, that this is right for you.

We help venue owners with

technical headaches to get attract you're ideal audiences, effortlessly.




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